Sunday 18 September 2011

Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Gel

I’m going to try and keep this as simple as possible so we don’t lose anyone on the way. Firstly, the basics..

µg stands for micrograms.

This is not a steroid, it doesn't affect your hormones, it’s a drug mainly used for asthmatic patients with respiratory problems. It has been proven to increase fat loss while keeping your body in an anabolic state so you don't loose any muscle mass.

If you have gynecomastia, this will not help at all. Letro will reverse any recent gynecomastia from estrogen. Its either this, or your under the knife (operation).

The substance shown here is the same substance Chestbrah uses or use to sell before he got caught.

If you’ve somehow got your hands on CLAIRE GEL by Vetsearch, this guide will help you the most.

Buyer beware, 60% of clenbuterol bottles are not genuine and are usually filled with hair gel & in some cases, speed.

The Vetsearch Clenbuterol has a apple taste and will come sealed for your protection in a box with a syringe (as shown)

“Claire gel contains clenbuterol hydrochloride. It is a bronchodilator and has expectorant activity increasing the volume and reducing the viscosity of mucoid secretions to promote airway clearance. The oral gel form, when administered 30 minutes prior to feeding, ensures full and accurate undiluted dose delivery to the gut. As Clenbuterol has a high first pass clearance by hepatic metabolism, "bolus" dosing may exert a more immediate and therapeutic effect compared with absorption of in-feed preparations.”

The FDA have removed it off their list as an approved drug for asthmatic patients but some people still use it for their asthmatic condition. No, your doctor will not prescribe it for you, do not fake that you have asthma.

A recent study was done where they injected rats with 2mg/kg body weight and it had negative effects on the heart and had an anabolic affect.
A rat isn’t even bigger than our foot, and they were giving it 2mg! Insane!
The gel is 400 micrograms, and we’re only taking 1-2ml per day which is only 800 micrograms, not even 1mg and look at how big we are compared to rats.

Just like I tell anyone, if you’re going to use steroids or any sort of drug to achieve your bodybuilding goal.

Start at a low dosage of 20µg and then slowly move up. If you take excess amounts, people will think you are a crack head because your hands will shake, it will make small tasks like using your phone or using a pen almost impossible.

The long term effects of clenbuterol are unknown but stiffening of heart muscles has been detected and is said to go away after discontinued use, this has not yet been proven so you could be dealing with a lifetime of health problems, use at your own risk. I will not hold responsibility for your health or your decisions, this lies in your hands and no one else. Stay safe.

If you want a natural way to weight loss, you have to be ready to eat less and exercise more, that's how simple it is, push your body harder at every workout.


  1. Where can I buy this in Perth, Aus?

  2. What do i say to get is from my Vet ?

    1. First, convince them your a horse then tell them you need CLEN for your breathing problems.
